Voigtberg, B.C. History
The Voigtberg Property lies along the margin of the Intermontane and Coast belts which host many of the significant mineral deposits in northwestern British Columbia. This area has historically seen a number of periods of exploration activity. Early explorers in the region were primarily in search of placer-type gold deposits. The area was evaluated systematically for base metal potential during the 1950s and 1960s, leading to the discovery of the Galore Creek deposit. The region was recognized as a major gold "camp" during the 1980s with the discovery of a number of gold (Au) deposits including Sulpherets, Snip and the world class Eskay Creek deposit.
The Voigtberg Property has been sporadically explored since the early 1980s, starting with work by Lac Minerals in 1984 and including Hemlo Gold Mines and Hayden Resources Ltd., among others. Exploration work mainly involved geochemical sampling and limited geophysical surveying and drilling. This work led to the discovery of widespread gold in soil and rock geochemical anomalies in and around three zones of alteration and mineralization, the Gossan, Gold and North zones. Highlights of this work include:
- A 16.1 g/t Au sample reported at the Gossan Zone in 1989 by Skeena Resources.
- In 1991 and 1992, exploration programs focused on the Gossan Zone demonstrate a northeast-trending broad area of low grade gold mineralization.
- In 1993, Kingston conducted the first induced polarization (I.P.)/Resistivity survey, targeting the area to the west and north of the Gossan Zone. They also outlined an area measuring 300 x 200 metres of > 300 parts per billion (ppb) Au, in soil that coincides with a chargeability high at the Gold Zone.
- Also in 1993, an area covering approximately 800 x 400 metres of anomalous copper (Cu) (> 250 parts per million (ppm)) and molybdenum (Mo) (> 100 ppm) in soil at the North Zone, coincident with a chargeability high, was identified immediately to the north of the Gold Zone.
- Of 24 rock samples taken in 1995 by Hemlo Gold Mines, 22 were anomalous in gold, ranging from 300 ppb to 1.43 g/t Au.
In 1996, Hayden Resources Ltd. conducted the only previous diamond-drilling program, totaling 455 metres in 3 drill holes from one setup. The drill site was located near the north end of the gold in soil anomaly at the Gold Zone and was drilled away from the anomalous area. These holes were drilled entirely within a low gold-grade pyritic zone averaging 0.26 g/t Au over their entire length of the core. Hole VGT96-3 bottomed in mineralization, with the last sample grading 2.01 g/t Au over 2.45 metres. It appears that the Gold Zone represents a gold-enriched pyritic halo spatially related to a porphyry system, prompting further investigation by BCGold for bulk-tonnage, porphyry style mineralization.